约有419篇,以下是第 131 - 140
doc 组织变动,战略先行(Organizational change, strategy first
组织变动,战略先行(Organizational change, strategy first)
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:26.5K页码:5页时间:2017-07-31浏览:3
ppt Promotion_Strategy_促销策略_图文.ppt
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:2.91M页码:39页时间:2018-01-29浏览:0
doc 摩托罗拉的全球文化战略(Motorola´s global cultural stra...
摩托罗拉的全球文化战略(Motorola´sglobal cultural strategy) I. background material Motorola earliestproduction a
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:37.5K页码:11页时间:2017-09-30浏览:0
doc 营销战略22条定律(22 laws of marketing strategy)
营销战略22条定律(22 laws marketingstrategy) 1972, UnitedStates marketing strategy master Ai Chis (AI Ries)
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:35.0K页码:11页时间:2017-09-30浏览:0
doc 产品——市场战略分析(Product - market strategy analysis
marketstrategy analysis) Product marketstrategy analysis Analysis strategicactivity areas Here, cons
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:36.5K页码:12页时间:2017-10-11浏览:2
doc 仁者无敌的营销术(Benevolent invincible marketing strategy)
仁者无敌的营销术(Benevolent invincible marketing strategy)
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:32.5K页码:8页时间:2017-10-11浏览:0
doc 化妆品行业营销策略研究2(Research on marketing strategy of co...
marketingstrategy cosmeticsindustry pharmacymarketing, Vichy also launched followingcharacteristics:
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:37.0K页码:11页时间:2017-10-12浏览:0
doc 如何建立差异化服务战略(How to establish differentiated servi...
establishdifferentiated service strategy) increasinglyfierce market competition, more moreproducts c
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:38.5K页码:12页时间:2017-10-12浏览:0
doc 市场营销中的公共关系营销策略(Public relation marketing strat...
市场营销中的公共关系营销策略(Publicrelation marketing strategy June2007 modern)total 505th 204 Public relations ma
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:40.0K页码:15页时间:2017-10-13浏览:1
doc 成本缩减创新策略(Cost reduction innovation strategy)
成本缩减创新策略(Costreduction innovation strategy) Because consumers Wujinpurse, many manufacturers uneasy
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:32.0K页码:8页时间:2017-10-13浏览:0


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