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pdf [工作计划]IF2012简章
[工作计划]IF 2012 简章

Additional information regarding text and images
The text and images are important elements when registering for an award. Please upload two images of your product and a short descriptive text immediately after your registration. This text must be written in either German or English and should be no longer than 650 characters (including spaces) in either language.

Here you’ll find more information and some tips regarding the best possible representation of your entry: 1. What are the text and images used for? 2. What happens with the text? 3. What type of images should I upload? 4. Technical advice for uploading images 5. Can I upload more than 2 images? 6. DOs and DON’Ts

1. What are the text and images used for?
The text and images are important elements for evaluating your entry. Later, the text and images are also used for the public presentation of the award-winning products. For the evaluation of entries – Admission to the jury
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