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“最忆韶山冲”演出场馆,湖南 / 中国中元国际工程有限公司

  • 专业分类:建筑设计
  • 2023-08-03 09:32




Red Star blinking, Boundless radiance shining
Hometown of the Great Leader, Shadows of the bamboo layers
A poetic spectacle of light and sound
A visual and auditory feast of the revolution and technology


The performance theater “ENDURING MEMORY OF SHAOSHAN” is a customized theater that combines the memories of the revolution with a theme of technology and tourism, created by the IPPR in collaboration with director Zhang Yimou. The total building area is 16,875 square meters, and it houses a large customized theater with 1,498 seats.”

▼效果图,Rendering © 中国中元国际工程有限公司


The theater showcases a magnificent spectacle of poetry, music, light, and shadow on the world’s largest matrix stage. The architecture is designed with sparkling red star as its inspiration, using a unified design language to control the building and site formation, creating a concept of spreading and radiating outward from the center. This design symbolizes a new exploration and re expression of the red theme in the new era of Shaoshan, which serves as the birthplace and cradle of a great leader of the age . Additionally, the theater leverages local CCP legacy tourism resources and green ecological resources to contribute to the cultural revitalization of Shaoshan.

▼室外实景照片,Outdoor space © 韶山湖湘旅游开发有限公司


Cooperation and Customization



The creation of “Enduring Memory of Shaoshan” involved close collaboration and collision between the architects and the director Zhang Yimou’s team. They worked together on the theater’s performance content, stage forms, and architectural design.

“Enduring Memory of Shaoshan” is the director Zhang Yimou’s first attempt to transition from outdoor live performances, such as the “Impression” series and ” Most memorable is Hangzhou ” water show, to an indoor setting. It aims to continue the grandeur of natural landscapes seen in the Impression series while utilizing advanced digital technology to create a visual and auditory feast. Therefore, Zhang Yimou boldly proposed the concept of bringing “real mountains and waters” indoors and creatively designed a customized stage with an “ultra-wide aspect ratio” within the theater. This concept, inspired by ultra-wide cinema screens, provides an unparalleled visual and auditory experience for the audience. The performance combines linear matrix art installations, light and shadow artistic performances , a water stage, and lifting stages, blending them with non-narrative theatrical performances by actors.

▼演出实景照片,Live Photos of the Show © 韶山湖湘旅游开发有限公司


In order to meet the requirements of a large indoor scenic performance stage, the theater was custom-built with an ultra-wide proscenium width of 32 meters. The total stage width is 70 meters, with a depth of 45 meters, providing a wide aspect ratio and a large depth of field for the performances. The design of the “ultra-wide aspect ratio” expands the viewing boundaries of traditional theaters, enhancing the integration of reality and illusion in the performance content. The audience feels as if they are traveling through historical scenes, experiencing the visual impact brought by digital technology at close proximity.

▼剧场尺寸示意图,Theater Dimensions Map © 中国中元国际工程有限公司


Architecture and Site


The performance theater of “Enduring Memory of Shaoshan” is located in the tourist service center of Shaoshan tourist center. The proposed site layout respects the relationship between the site environment and the local axis, yielding to the main axis of the tourist center, weakening the volume and integrating with the surrounding nature environment. The integration with the environment reflects the respect and coordination with Shaoshan’s regional context and natural landscape.

▼建筑与场地关系,The Relationship between the Building and the Surroundings © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼鸟瞰实景照片,Bird’s Eye View Photo © 韶山湖湘旅游开发有限公司


Nature and Humanities



▼五星扭转示意图,Five-pointed-star Space Twist map © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

The overall architectural design of “Enduring Memory of Shaoshan” takes inspiration from a five-pointed star. The roof is shaped like a solid five-pointed-star structure, rising upwards to prominently display the star symbol on the fifth facade of the building. The contour of the star-shaped roof curves downward to form an irregular decagon, creating a visually dynamic and twisted surface that not only ensures the distinct star-shaped appearance but also effectively encapsulates the functional volume of the theater.

The star concept extends into the site, forming terraced platforms showing endless waves of paddy and beans . Through the layers of bamboo shadows on the building facade, one can catch glimpses of the red star standing proudly atop rammed earth walls. The interwoven and ordered bamboo forest in the lobby guides visitors calmly into the space, gradually calming them amidst the bustling noises. The creation of the overall spatial sequence aims to provide an experiential journey that leads from nature to culture.

▼室外实景照片,Outdoor Photos © 韶山湖湘旅游开发有限公司

▼夯土墙上的红五星,Red Five-point-star on Rammed Earth Wall © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼前厅中的竹林,Bamboo Forest in the Lobby © 中国中元国际工程有限公司


Ordinary and Great



Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit Shaoshan to appreciate the scenery of Chairman Mao’s hometown and experience the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of his life. The “Enduring Memory of Shaoshan” theater was born in this environment, located less than five kilometers far from Chairman Mao’s former residence . It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, nestled amidst lush mountains. Therefore, it naturally follows the characteristics of the local environment, resembling an indigenous architecture rooted in its surroundings.

The building retreats into the dense forest, appearing somewhat hidden, to express a transcendent attitude and a humble posture. This is because it is situated in Shaoshan, the hometown of a great leader, where nothing should disrupt its inherent harmony.

▼密林间的建筑,Buildings in the Forest © 中国中元国际工程有限公司


In the design, the choice was made to use thick rammed earth bricks that reflect the local regional attributes, symbolizing how greatness can emerge from ordinary rural villages. The facade features the iconic red five-pointed star, constructed using modern lightweight materials – tensioned membranes, carrying the most symbolic revolutionary symbol. The contrast between the heaviness of the rammed earth bricks and the lightness of the tensioned membranes creates a strong visual impact on the facade while achieving unity in terms of cultural attributes.

▼过渡空间,Transitionary Space © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼竹影重重,Bamboo Shadows © 中国中元国际工程有限公司





To tell the story of the revolution, for “Enduring Memory of Shaoshan,” it means to explore the symbolic significance of revolutionary culture and translate this symbolic language into architectural design elements. Through architecture, it conveys these symbols to the public, inviting people to participate and have a better understanding and appreciation of revolutionary culture, as well as to inherit the revolutionary traditions.

Since its completion, the project has received various recognitions, including being designated as the “First Batch of CCP Member Education and Training Sites” in Hunan Province, the Special Award of the 15th Hunan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction “Five-One Project,” the research and practice education base for primary and secondary schools in Xiangtan City, and the new era civilization practice base in Shaoshan City. Leveraging the revolutionary culture and green ecological resources of Shaoshan, the project innovates revolution-themed performance forms and platforms, providing comprehensive support for rural revitalization in Shaoshan.

▼总平面图,Site Plan © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼首层平面图,Ground Floor Plan © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼二层平面图,Roof Plan © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼立面图,Elevation © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

▼剖面图,Section © 中国中元国际工程有限公司

项目类型:定制剧场 文化建筑
材料:夯土 钢 张拉膜
总制作人: 沙晓岚
主持建筑师: 孙宗列、朱轶蕾
建筑设计团队: 霍续东、傅强、吴双月、郭伟华
结构设计团队: 赵会强、史诗、贺磊
室内设计团队:陈亮、刘一、张凯 、张晋、代亚明
景观设计团队: 陈亮、韩天琼、史佳昕
声学顾问团队: 桂宇、张秉元、刘莹
夜景照明顾问: 光说故事(北京)文化创意有限公司

Project name: The performance theater “ENDURING MEMORY OF SHAOSHAN”
Project Type:Customized Theater,Cultural Architecture
Design Team:China IPPR International Engineering Co., Ltd.
Completion Year:2021
Location:Shaoshan, Hunan
Saterial:Rammed earth,Steel,Tensioning membrane
Chief Director:Zhang Yimou
Chief Producer: Sha Xiaolan
Creative Unit:Funshine Culture
Construction Party:Shaoshan Huxiang Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Lead architects: Sun Zonglie, Zhu Yilei
Architectural design team: Huo Xudong, Fu Qiang, Wu Shuangyue, Guo Weihua
Structural design team: Zhao Huiqiang, Shi shi, He Lei
Mechanical and electrical design team: Zhang Xu, Zhang Zihang, Lu Xiwei
Interior design team: Chen Liang, Liu Yi, Zhang Kai, Zhang Jin, Dai Yaming
Landscape design team: Chen Liang, Han Tianqiong, and Shi Jiaxin
Acoustic consultant team: Gui Yu, Zhang Bingyuan, Liu Ying
Curtain wall consultant: Inhabit Group
Night Lighting Consultant: GSGS Lighting Stories
Stage machinery: Zhejiang Joinus Cultural Technologies Co., Ltd
Brand consultant: Beijing Baogui Artificial Stone Art and Technology Co., Ltd. (imitation adobe brick low-carbon concrete art hanging board)
Meixin Raymond (Beijing) membrane construction technology Co., Ltd.(facade Pentagram mesh membrane)
