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pdf Influenza in the Asia-Pacific region Findings and recommenda...
Asia-Pacificregion: Findings recommendationsfromthe Global Influenza InitiativeBenjamin J. Cowling S
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pdf Intellectual Capital – The Key for Sustainable Competitive A...
ProcediaEconomics Finance27 6812212-5671 2015Published ElsevierB.V. openaccess article under CCBY-NC
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pdf 应助--elasticity-based model of the variant selection observ...
ActaMaterialia 51 (2003) 4783–4790www.actamat-journals.comElasticity-based model variantselection ob
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pdf 应助--in vivo characterization of the structure and componen...
pVAX–HSV–2gD–Hsp70,which showed signifi-cant differences compared otherthree groups 0.05).Thespleen c
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pdf The Social Responsibility of Business 商业的社会责任 by 弗里...
SocialResponsibility Increaseits Profitsby Milton FriedmanThe New York Times Magazine, September 13,
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pdf Booz 博斯咨询 全球企业研发支出研究报告 全球创新1000强-为创意...
全球创新1000强为创意插上翅膀观点巴里•雅日泽尔斯基(Barry Jaruzelski)约翰•罗尔(John Loehr)理查德•霍尔曼(Richard Holman)博斯公司联系方式:芝加哥约翰•
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pdf 行销沟通与服务品质对交叉购买意图之影响以连锁美发业为例the
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pdf Investigating the strategic antecedents of agility in humani...
strategicantecedents humanitarianlogisticsCcile L’Hermitte, Benjamin Brooks, Marcus Bowles, PeterH.
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pdf 应助--a note on relationships between some univariate stocha...
MetrikaDOI10.1007/s00184-014-0509-5A note relationshipsbetween some univariatestochastic orders corr
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pdf 应助--can the performance of graphene nanosheets for lithium...
graphenenanosheets lithiumstorage predicted?†OscarA. Vargas C.,Alvaro Caballero JulianMorales*Receiv
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