约有253篇,以下是第 131 - 140
pdf The Social Responsibility of Business 商业的社会责任 by 弗里...
SocialResponsibility Increaseits Profitsby Milton FriedmanThe New York Times Magazine, September 13,
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pdf Investigating the strategic antecedents of agility in humani...
strategicantecedents humanitarianlogisticsCcile L’Hermitte, Benjamin Brooks, Marcus Bowles, PeterH.
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pdf an overview of mammalian pluripotency.哺乳动物多能性的概...
GLANCEAnoverview mammalianpluripotencyJun Wu, Takayoshi Yamauchi JuanCarlos Izpisua Belmonte*ABSTRAC
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pdf Annual Employee Survey Guidance - US Office of Personnel …年...
AnnualEmployee Survey Guidance U.S. Office anagementNovember 2008 Table ContentsINTRODUCTION........
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pdf expansion of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells
Chemicallycrosslinked alginate porous microcarriers modifiedwith bioactive molecule humanhepatocellu
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pdf 应助--classification of lung cancer using ensemble-based fea...
RoyalSociety Chemistry2014 Mol. BioSyst.Citethis: DOI: 10.1039/c4mb00659cClassification lungcancer u
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pdf 应助--can the performance of graphene nanosheets for lithium...
graphenenanosheets lithiumstorage predicted?†OscarA. Vargas C.,Alvaro Caballero JulianMorales*Receiv
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pdf 应助--discovery of a new atp-binding motif involved in pepti...
natureCHeMICaL BIOLOGY VOL10 OctOber2014 www.nau.om/nauhmialiology823articlepuBLIsHed OnLIne: 17 auG
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pdf 应助--investigating the nucleation and growth of electrodepo...
ElectrodepositedPton Polycrystalline Diamond ElectrodesJason A. Bennettaand Greg M. Swainb,*,zaSchoo
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pdf 应助--neuronal soma–satellite glial cell interactions in sen...
NeuronGlia Biology/NGBAdditional services NeuronGlia Biology:Email aler
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:566.29K页码:11页时间:2017-06-14浏览:0


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