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ppt [人力资源管理]Advanced_Topics_on_SQL_Injection_Protection

advanced topics on sql injection protection

feb 27th, 2006

sam ng cisa, cissp sqlblockm samng@sqlblockm

copyright © the owasp foundation permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the owasp license.

the owasp foundation

sql injection [1, 2] is now one of the most common attacks in the internet. simply go to yahoo! or google and search for "sql injection" and we can find tones of related documents. although the awareness of sql injection is rising, still many people do not have very concrete ideas on how to prevent sql injection attack. this article is not going to tell you what is sql injection, nor going to tell you the latest techniques in sql injection attacks, but more important, how to prevent sql injection correctly and in a more integrated approach.
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:353.0K页码:64页时间:2013-01-17浏览:0


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