约有253篇,以下是第 191 - 200
pdf 应助--largely improved actuation strain at low electric fiel...
Largelyimproved actuation strain lowelectricfield dielectricelastomer combiningdisruptinghydrogen bon
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pdf 应助--practical copper-catalyzed n-arylation of nitrogen het...
Practicalcopper-catalyzed N-arylation arylhalides under ligandand additive free conditionsJoyce Wei
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pdf 应助--preliminary study of interactivity between mercury and...
Preliminarystudy interactivitybetween mercury carboxymethylchitosan coated quantum dotsZhenyu He•Hon
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pdf 应助--simultaneous enrichment and separation of flavonoids f...
article XianJiaot ong Universit 24December 2014, 17:27Publisher: Taylor FrancisInforma Lt Registered
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pdf 应助--the m2 splice isoform of pyruvate kinase is important ...
LETTERSTheM2 splice isoformof pyruvate kinase importantforcancer metabolism tumourgrowthHeather R. C
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pdf 应助--validation of a novel computer-assisted sperm analysis...
novelcomputer-assisted spermanalysis (CASA) system using multitarget-trackingalgorithmsMathew James
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pdf 应助--wormlike micelles formed by synergistic self-assembly ...
Wormli Micelles Syner gi st nMixt fact sSrinivasaR. Raghavan,* Gerhard Frit EricW. KalerCenter Engin
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pdf page 1 of 5 美国行政部门财务公布制度(2012 年9 月7 日更新) 概...
美国行政部门财务公布制度(2012 日更新)概述 根据1978 年政府道德法规定,经任命或选举担任美国政府三个部门最高层级职务的个人必须在任职前,任内每年,以及卸任前提交个人财务公布报告。公众如提出要
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pdf hospitality 1page faithhope love in a time of conflict 酒店页...
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pdf Estimating the size distribution of firms using government s...
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