约有194篇,以下是第 21 - 30
doc 如何与员工沟通薪酬问题(How to communicate salary issues with...
communicatesalary issues employees)Mr. Wang qualifiedreal estate enterprise project manager, largest
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:17.6K页码:9页时间:2017-09-02浏览:0
doc 为何人力资源开而不发(Why is human resources open and not iss...
humanresources open present,all kinds enterprisecome fashionwasted largenumber enterprises,human fin
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:38.0K页码:12页时间:2017-09-07浏览:3
doc 人力资源若干问题释疑(On the issues of human resources
humanresources) humanresources Human resources consulting teachers1. company´shuman resources consul
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:30.0K页码:7页时间:2017-09-07浏览:0
doc 人力资源若干问题释疑(On the issues of human resources
humanresources) humanresources Some problems humanresources 2008-12-2015:15:56 What differencebetwee
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:21.22K页码:7页时间:2017-10-31浏览:0
doc On ABC on business development issues in a rational marketin...
businessdevelopment issues rationalmarketing Paper Keywords: rational marketing marketing strategy m
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:44.5K页码:20页时间:2017-09-17浏览:0
doc On the construction project management cost management issue...
constructionproject management cost management issues measuresSummary: construction companies respon
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:36.0K页码:11页时间:2017-09-18浏览:0
doc On the current issues facing corporate management and innova...
currentissues facing corporate management innovationstrategy Abstract: China’seconomic development f
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:33.5K页码:11页时间:2017-09-18浏览:0
doc 数据库系统概论理论题重点(Introduction to database systems, t...
databasesystems, theoretical issues, priorities) Chapter 1.database: long-term storage computer,orga
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:29.5K页码:8页时间:2017-06-26浏览:0
doc 中国眼镜市场营销的战略问题(二)(Strategic issues of C...
中国眼镜市场营销的战略问题(二)(Strategicissues Chineseglasses marketing (two)) Three, lack diversifieddevelopment
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:46.0K页码:17页时间:2017-07-31浏览:0
doc 楼市紧缩背景下房企销售绩效考核问题探析Housing prices in the ...
楼市紧缩背景下房企销售绩效考核问题探析Housingprices propertymarket tightening Background Issues salesperformance apprai
价格: 8.50豆元 大小:53.5K页码:3页时间:2017-08-20浏览:2

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