约有64篇,以下是第 41 - 50
doc PPP项目全操作流程及全套法律文件政府和社会资本合作模式(Public...
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doc 公共服务产品的价格形成机制及定价策略(Price formation mechani...
公共服务产品的价格形成机制及定价策略(Priceformation mechanism pricingstrategy publicservice products) Economic informa
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doc 公益类事业单位绩效考核的难点与解决途径(Difficulties and solu...
performanceevaluation publicwelfare institutions) executivemeeting StateCouncil decided fromJanuary
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doc 公共部门人力资源章节复习7(Chapter 7 review of human resource...
humanresources publicsector)The seventh chapter publicsector job analysis jobclassificationA choice
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doc 公益服务部学期工作计划范文(Public welfare service term worki...
公益服务部学期工作计划范文(Publicwelfare service term working plan) Public welfare service term working plan 2012
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ppt 外研社九上(新版)Module 2 public holidays unit1
Unit1My family always go somewhere interesting holidaybegins.Lead-inLet’s enjoy video.IndependenceDa
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doc 公共部门人力资源开发与激励途径选择(Public sector human resou...
公共部门人力资源开发与激励途径选择(Publicsector human resource development incentiveway choice) Public sector human r
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doc 福师《现代公共关系学》在线作业二(Fu Shi, modern public relatio...
福师《现代公共关系学》在线作业二(FuShi, modern public relations online homework two) Fu Shi, modern public relations
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doc 公共部门人力资源章节复习4(Chapter 4 review of human resource...
humanresources publicsector) fourthchapter publicsector human capital theory choice(each item has le
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doc 公共部门人力资源章节复习5(Chapter 5 review of human resource...
humanresources publicsector) fifthchapter publicsector human resources planning choice(each item has
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