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doc On the financing channels for SMEs(在中小企业的融资渠道)
financingchannels SMEsAbstract: present,SMEs have become economicgrowth, create social wealth, expan
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doc 薪情能靠人情决定吗--论如何避免企业中的人性化薪酬变相为人情化...
薪情能靠人情决定吗--论如何避免企业中的人性化薪酬变相为人情化(Howcan decisionabout humandisguise compensation)LW computerprofessio
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doc 薪情能靠人情决定吗--论如何避免企业中的人性化薪酬变相为人情化...
薪情能靠人情决定吗--论如何避免企业中的人性化薪酬变相为人情化(Howcan decisionabout humandisguise compensation)LW computerprofessio
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pdf Final NIH Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review...
articlehas been accepted undergonefull peer review beenthrough copyediting,typesetting, pagination p
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doc On the tender for the construction project risk management r...
constructionproject risk management research [Paper Keywords] Construction Project Bidding Risk Mana
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doc On the contemporary investment in the super-national treatme...
contemporaryinvestment super-nationaltreatment Paper Keywords: International investment law over nat
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pdf 毕博-管理咨询工具方法—The_New_Imperative_for_Innovation
EnlightenedExperimentation:The New Imperative InnovationbyStefan ThomkeReprint r0102d66 Copyright 20
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doc On the non-fixed term labor contract(无固定期限劳动合同)
non-fixedterm labor contract Abstracts << Labor Contract Law >> relevantprovisions contr
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pdf 应助--can the performance of graphene nanosheets for lithium...
graphenenanosheets lithiumstorage predicted?†OscarA. Vargas C.,Alvaro Caballero JulianMorales*Receiv
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docx LSTM Based on the Classification of Emotion about User Evalu...
LSTMBased Emotionabout User Evaluation ShoppingSite Xiao Rong, Cui Xiaohui, Zhou peipei, Ge Wanfeng,
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