约有186篇,以下是第 1 - 10
ppt p11 quaternion 导航原理英文版教材
1.1Euler Theorem, angular rateEuler Theorem: rigidbody fixedpoint can reach any attitude anglearound
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ppt 2010P11章市场可行性分析
2010P第11章 市场可行性分析
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ppt 2010P11章市场可行性分析
2010P第11章 市场可行性分析分析,市场,11,可行性分析,可行性,2010,市场分析,第11,2010p
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doc 劳动合同法与原有法律法规对照表p11
劳动合同法与原有法律法规对照表 p11法律,法规,原有,p11,P11,劳动合同法,法律法规,劳动法,对照表,劳动合同
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ppt bgm[管理学]人力资源管理p11-11
Chapter<br />
11<br /> Pay Structure Decisions<br /> After reading this chapter, you should be able to: List the major decision areas and concepts in employee compensation management. Describe the major administrative tools used to manage employee compensation. Explain the importance of competitive labor-market and productmarket forces in compensation decisions. Discuss the significance of process issues such as communication in compensation management.<br />
Chapter<br />
11<br /> Pay Structure Decisions<br />
Describe new developments in the design of pay structures. Explain where the United States stands from an international perspective on pay issues. Explain the reasons for the controversy over executive pay. Describe the regulatory framework for employee compensation.<br />
Introduction<br /> From the employer’s point of view: Pay is critical in attaining strategic goals. Pay has a major impact on employee attit
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:758.0K页码:44页时间:2011-08-06浏览:0
ppt P6培训教材2015.11.10剖析
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doc 【2017年整理】p11小儿外科医师培养标准
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doc -饮料公司中国投资策略p11
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doc 饮料罐装生产流水线的PLC控制p11
第一章工艺过程分析和控制要求 饮料灌装机用于罐装各种各样的瓶装饮料,适合大中型饮料生产厂家。早期的罐装机械大多数采用容积泵式、蠕动泵式作为计量方式。这些方式存在一些缺点。例如:罐装精度和稳定性难以保证
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ppt 课本p11星巴克微营销案例实践
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