约有58篇,以下是第 51 - 58
doc Review of conflict management strategy theory(冲突管理策略理...
conflictmanagement strategy theory(冲突管理策略理论述评) Abstract: conflict commonphenomenon, effectivemanagem
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:37.0K页码:11页时间:2017-06-21浏览:2
docx 英文版Analysis of the Female consciousness by Freud Personal...
Title:Analysis Femaleconsciousness FreudPersonality Theory Abstraction: 《Cat onemasterpiece femaleco
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:25.33K页码:10页时间:2017-06-11浏览:1
pdf 公司理财教学资料 the cost of capital, corporation financeand...
公司理财教学资料 the cost of capital, corporation financeand the theory of investment-modigliani
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pptx Politness and Face theory missmillarenglish礼貌和面子missmi...
FacetheoryCo-operation•There’s more co-operationthan following maxims,we also need withoutpoliteness
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:667.07K页码:17页时间:2017-04-14浏览:0
doc Shannon´s information theory”理论视角下探寻白酒广告的...
“Shannon´sinformation theory”理论视角下探寻白酒广告的发展 要:本文基于申农传播模式为视角,试图在广告设计和投放策略等方面,探寻如何培养品牌忠诚度以及提高白酒企业的广告投入
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:28.5K页码:8页时间:2017-04-05浏览:1
pdf 全面质量管理(the development of total quality management...
TotalQuality Management Theory Author: Labored D. Abstract Total quality management after longstage
价格: 6.00豆元 大小:152.55K页码:6页时间:2017-03-12浏览:0
pdf references教学资料》overview of sla theory
SecondLanguage Acquisition Theory” NWREL /request/2003may/overview.html Strategi
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:21.06K页码:3页时间:2017-02-07浏览:1
pptx 《公共管理教学资料》theory of pa
LectureThree: Lecture Three: Fundamental Theories PAFundamental Theories PAINSTRUCTOR:Pan Na, Ph.D.O
价格: 10.00豆元 大小:1.3M页码:57页时间:2017-01-06浏览:1

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