4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration.pdf
4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration
congruent number problems and their variants:同余数问题及其变体.pdf
AlgorithmicNumber TheoryMSRI PublicationsVolume 44, 2008Congruent number problemsand variantsJAAPTOP
ive Marketing Strategies Improving Brand Messaging Through Multi-Level Engagement Congruent to Consumers Cognitive Preferences.1.pdf
InteractiveMarketing Strategies: Improving Brand Messaging Through Multi-Level Engagement Congruent
Strings of congruent primes in short intervals, PhD thesis, Tristan Freiberg, Universite de Montreal, 2010 博士学位论文.pdf
Strings of congruent primes in short intervals, PhD thesis, Tristan Freiberg, Université de Montreal, 2010 博士学位论文Strings of congruent primes in short intervals, PhD thesis, Tristan Freiberg, Université de Montreal, 2010 博士学位论文Strings of congruent primes in short intervals, PhD thesis, Tristan Freiberg, Université de Montreal, 2010 博士学位论文
grasp preparation improves change-detection for congruent:抓准备提高变化检测的一致性.pdf
grasp preparation improves change-detection for congruent:抓准备提高变化检测的一致性
Culturally congruent nursing care: A phenomenological study of Native American women with breast cancer..pdf
Culturally congruent healthcare improves patient outcomes and decreases morbidity and mortality rates. The problem addressed in this study was a lack of academic research about the phenomenon of the lived experience of Native American women with breast cancer. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the nature and components of breast cancer from the perspective of Native American women. Research questions in this study investigated culturally congruent healthcare and sense of well-being, suffering, and meaning of life post illness as perceived by Native American women with breast cancer. Cultural care diversity and universality, caring, and health-within-illness theories provided the theoretical basis for this study. A purposive sample of 15 adult Native American women tribal members living in Montana underwent in-depth, face-to-face interviews. Collected data were grouped into categories and analyzed for common themes using Moustakas´s modified van Kaam metho
201105.1706v1 On families of n-congruent elliptic curves [关于n同余椭圆曲线类].pdf
201105.1706v1 On families of n-congruent elliptic curves [关于n同余椭圆曲线类]201105.1706v1 On families of n-congruent elliptic curves [关于n同余椭圆曲线类]201105.1706v1 On families of n-congruent elliptic curves [关于n同余椭圆曲线类]
sources of variance in immunological traits evidence of congruent latitudinal trends across species.[2017][j exp biol][10.1242jeb.154310].pdf
sources of variance in immunological traits evidence of congruent latitudinal trends across species.[2017][j exp biol][10.1242jeb.154310]

